Clarify Icon


Capture multiple screenshots into a single document for editing and sharing.


Clarify streamlines the workflow of capturing multiple screenshots, organizing them into a document, marking up the images, adding text, and sharing your document as a PDF, Word file, or on the Web. View it in action!

The folks who love Clarify are using it when they need two or more images to:

  • Explain a process
  • Communicate changes they'd like designers/developers to make
  • Submit bug reports
  • Provide answers that consist of several steps

Clarify lets you:

  • Capture one or more screenshots and/or import one or more images (e.g. pictures and screenshots)
  • Mark the images with annotations such as arrows, circles, blur, sequence, highlight, and text
  • Add titles and paragraph text for each image
  • Share your document via email, PDF, Word, Dropbox, Evernote, WordPress, or


  • Capture windows or regions
  • Import photos or other image files
  • Organize multiple images or screen captures into a document
  • Add multiple images to a step (new feature)
  • Reorder screen captures/images via drag and drop
  • Replace images without messing up your formatting
  • Crop and resize images
  • Mark up images with arrows, boxes, circles, text annotations, and sequence
  • Blur out sensitive information or highlight important areas
  • Export to PDF, Word, WordPress, Evernote, HTML, Markdown, or Dropbox
  • Copy and paste content as rich text to any word processor that accepts rich text
  • Add borders of picture frames
  • Export individual images or all images in a document
  • Include embed for videos hosted on Wistia, etc.



  • Removed blog listing from WordPress XML-RPC. Clarify should only post to the configured end point.
  • Edit > Duplicate Selection no longer enabled if you are editing text in the step.
  • Clarify no longer adds the file extension back to name when exporting image files in the Mac App Store version.


  • Clicking on the Clarify Dock icon was not maximizing a document if all documents were minimized.
  • Clarify was using proxy defined on computer for secure URLs.
  • If an image was rotated by had no border and no annotations then it would not be exported to disk properly.
  • Creating a log file now works in the MAS version.
  • Security scoped files were not being released when closing a document.
  • Certain characters, such as "+", would appear as a blank space in password fields.
  • Changing the "starting sequence" for a step would not add an undo entry.
  • Improved some of the error messages.
  • Step HTML was not being stored encoded as UTF8.
  • Changing the line annotation arrow head settings would add two undo entries rather than one.
  • Deleting the last sharing account while editing the title of it would generate an error.
  • "Launch Clarify at startup" preference was not working on Windows.
  • If an invalid file header was encountered when opening a file, an error dialog would appear.
  • The "url" property was not being inserted property into the thumbnail version of an image when exporting as HTML. This could affect how WordPress and Dropbox export worked when generating thumbnail images.
  • Command + D now closes the Save dialog the first time after using Command + Q to quit the application.
  • It was possible to start multiple save operations while the save as dialog was visible. This would confuse Clarify after the save dialog was dismissed.
  • You could not rename the application name on OS X.
  • The ClarifyCaptureHelper would sometimes consume the CPU on OS X.
  • Find Next was not working in the spell check dialog.
  • Blur annotations would appear as white space if you changed the auto numbering setting in the step or document inspectors.
  • Screen captures had slightly shifted colors.


File Size
24 MB
Operating Systems
Mac OS X
System Requirements
  • OS X 10.7 or later
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